Operators: Laura-Lee Kowal & Juli McManus
Program Phone Numbers
Ranchlands 403-241-3052
Highwood 403- 861-1615
Banff Trail 403 -220-1797
Cambrian 403-289-4466
Buchanan 403-230-4291
Hawkwood 403-701-3606
Evanston 403-587-228-4797
Bowcroft 587-578-1557
Important Dates to Remember
Fr April 19 and Mon April 22 – Closed for Good Friday and Easter Monday
Fri May 17- PD day all schools CBE closed- open at Ranchlands, Hawkwood and Highwood
Monday May 20- Victoria Day – all programs closed
June 26 – last day of school for Buchanan, Cambrian, Evanston and Ranchlands
Half day for Highwood, Evanston and Bowcroft
June 27 – Half day for Highwood and Bowcroft AND Last day
Last day for Hawkwood Banff trail and St. Rita
Open June 27 for children registered in our summer program who attend the following schools – Ranchlands, Buchanan, Cambrian, and Evanston
June 28 – Kids Come First is closed this day. Last day to withdraw for the upcoming school year with no penalty (loss of your pre-paid deposit after this date)
Program open houses will happen mid-June or Aug 26 (Ranch only). Date to be announced
Happy summer vacation
July – 1 we’re closed Canada Day
July 2-Summer day camp begins
We are open full days at Ranchlands if you need to contact us. All other locations are closed until the first day of school Tuesday September 3.
Summer registration – please note that we are filling quickly. If you are requiring care for the summer please check with your director on availability.
Withdrawal Policy – if you are withdrawing your child from the program you will need to provide 2 months’ notice in order to receive your pre-paid deposit back.
Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Email @ kcf93@telus.net