Operators/Directors: Laura-Lee Kowal & Juli McManus Main Phone- 403 241-3052
Program Phone Numbers:
Ranchlands 403 241-3052 Directors: Emilse Ortega & Imelda Pabulayan
Banff Trail 403 220-1797 Director: Dora Galdi
Cambrian Heights 403 289-4466 Director: Erin Towers/Kerry Grimes
Buchanan – 403 230-4291 Director: Michelle Lim
Highwood –403 861-1615 Director: Susan Heilman
Hawkwood – 403-701-3606 Director: Keiko Sato
Evanston – 587-228-4797Director Kelsey Bridget
Bowcroft-587-578-1557 Sarah Bourne/Deidra Delorme
Please contact the director with any questions you may have.
Website: www.childrencomefirst.ca
You will find useful information about our programs, including monthly newsletters, parent handbooks, and general information about who we are. Help us save paper and explore our website.
Orientation Nights:
Ranchlands – August 27, 5-6pm Highwood – June 6, 5-6pm
Banff Trail -June 12, 5-6pm Cambrian Heights – June 13, 5-6pm
Hawkwood -June 14, 5-6pm Buchanan – June 18, 5-6pm
Evanston -June 14, 5-6pm Bowcroft- June 14 5-6pm
If you missed out on our orientations held in June at other locations, you may attend the Ranchlands night. This is a good time for parents to come out and get some important information about our programs and meet the staff. Hope you can come and see us.
Sick children cannot attend the program. If your child requires medication to be taken at the program, please see a staff. We have specific Licensing rules and procedures to administer medication. Call us if your child is not attending. Parents are required to sign children in and out.
Kindergarten Children: First day of care is the first day of school.
Kids Come First will not take children to their FIRST staggered entry; however they can remain at the program if needed. Please ensure to submit staggered entry dates to your program.
Lunch Program & Snacks: Please refrain from sending your child’s lunch in a grocery bag. Microwave lunches are permitted at Ranchlands, Highwood Kindergarten, and Bowcroft Kindergarten. Send lunches in reusable microwave containers. Please send healthy lunches. Provincial licensing recommends 4 food groups in your child’s lunch. Many “lunchables” and pre packaged processed foods (i.e. chicken nuggets with fries) are not healthy, and should not be sent. Pop is not permitted. Be sure to send your child with healthy snacks for the mornings and afternoons. Snacks are not provided by the program
Non School Days and School Breaks are not included in your monthly fees. A fee of $20/day will be charged to offset the extra staffing hours. School locations will be combined on non school days. Please check with the program for the location that will open. A sign-up sheet will be out 2 weeks in advance of the PD Day. If you do not sign up and pay the $20 fee, we will assume you do not need the spot for that day; a deadline will be posted and kept!!! Do not miss out. Friday early dismissals are included in your monthly fees.
Monthly Fees:
Fees are due on the first of each month. Please hand in your postdated cheques before
June 22/18. Date your cheques Sept 1 to June 1. Parents paying fees after the first are subject to a $10.00 late charge. Parents not paying fees on time may risk their child’s spot in the program. Repeat offenders may also be asked to leave the program.
Subsidy parents must ensure there subsidy is up to date. Please submit your post dated cheques for the year. 1 Component -$375 per month. 2-Components -$425 per month, 3- Components $450 per month. Kindergarten $750 per month.
Late Arrival Fees:
There is a late fee of $1/ minute if you arrive after 6:00 pm. Please make alternate arrangements for your child’s pick up if you think you are going to be late.
Files: We are updating all the children’s files this year. Be sure to fill out a new registration form for us as soon as you can.
Clothing: Please dress your child appropriately for the weather. All children are required to have indoor shoes. It is a licensing requirement. Belongings: Label all of your child’s belongings. Toys from home are allowed, however we will not be responsible for lost or broken toys.
Leadership Program and Kids Clubs
Encourage your child to be involved at Kids Come First by joining a Kids Club. Kids Club activities are planned by the children’s leadership club. We ask parents to participate so please let us know if you have ideas or would like to help out.
Suggestions, Comments: Kids Come First are happy to hear from our clients. If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please address them to the director. You may also email Laura Lee/Juli @ kcf93@telus.net or call 403 241-3052. Please refrain from approaching the school administrators with questions regarding the program. The school administrators are not up to date on best practices in the school age child care field nor are they aware of our policies and procedures.
After Hours Emergency Number: Call 403-241-3052
Our Parent Handbook is available online please be sure to check it out.
We are looking forward to a great year! Please feel free to speak to us or the Program Directors at anytime.
Kindest regards,
Juli & Laura-Lee