Emergency Phone : 403-241-3052 - Follow voicemail for further instructions

Dear Parents,

We have been following the Alberta Health re-openings of daycares and school age programs Stage 1 set to open May 14.  We would look at a May 19th opening.  Proposed hours 7am – 5:30pm.  This earlier closure reflects extra cleaning time needed to ensure we are meeting health requirements. We are not committing to re-open until we receive parent, Alberta health, licensing, CBE, and ranchlands input.

Cost of childcare would increase to approximately $900.00 per month to cover the additional hours of childcare. We would pro rate May by half.  Parents will be required to register for both May and June full months.  Fees will be due our first day when you drop your child off in the morning. A post-dated cheque is due for June.

Summer care would continue as weekly registration at $225.00.  Registration for the summer has begun.

Things we are uncertain of:

Numbers of children allowed in our space, minimum numbers of children required to open –(operating costs), location or locations of the programs we will operate.

We are uncertain if we can accommodate children with pre-existing health issues.

Parents would sign an agreement that they are following Alberta Health regulations regarding physical distancing and not going out if anyone in your household has any Covid 19 symptoms.

Please email us with your response-

Child’s name________________                           Current Program Location____________

Will you require childcare for May and June?  Yes________   / No_________

Will you require summer care?  __________, have you already registered? ______________


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